District Fees

School Fees

Class Dues

Grade 7: $5.00
Grade 8: $10.00
Grade 9: $15.00
Grade 10: $20.00
Grade 11: $30.00
Grade 12: $0.00


In-district: $200.00 per month
Out-of-district: $250.00 per month ($220.00+30.00 for transportation)


Summer Fee: $30.00- $35.00 per student per day

School Year Fee: $50.00 per student per week

Meal Prices


Preschool: $2.50
 K:  Free
1-12:  $3.05
Adult: $3.50

Reduced-price: $1.10


Preschool: $3.05
K-5: $3.35
6-12: $3.75
Adult: $5.00

Reduced-price: $1.75
Ala carte: $2.50

Other Prices

Milk: $0 .80
Second Breakfast: $3.50
Second Lunch: $5.00
Extra Sandwich: $5.00



Grades 7 & 8 All Sports: $100.00
Grades 9-12 (All Sports Except Football): $140.00
Grades 9-12 Football: $165.00
**Hockey: $310.00
**Trap Team: $220.00
**Trap Team own vest: $155.00


Band Instrument Rental: $75.00
Art Club: $85.00
Cheerleading: $85.00
Knowledge Bowl: $65.00
All School Play (Director & Cast): $65.00
One-Act Play: $65.00

FFA Dues: $65.00
**Driver's Ed Classroom: $125.00
**Driver's Ed Behind the Wheel: $375.00

(New BTW Fee will go into effect for the Spring of 2025 Classroom group)

Appeals for students unable to pay athletic and non-athletic fees may be made to Superintendent Dustin Bosshart. These appeals will be based on Free and Reduced Lunch Applications on file in the District Office. Foreign exchange students should pay the same fees. Fees 50% reduction for Free and Reduced.

Maximum family yearly payment of athletic and non-athletic fees: $500.00
**Fees are not included in the family maximum of $500.00

All fees are due before the second practice.

Event Admissions

Adult Single Game: $7.00
Student Single Game (K-12): Free
Senior Citizens-62 & Older: Free
Adult 15-Punch Ticket: $100.00
Adult All Season Ticket: $130.00

All Season and 15-Punch Tickets will be available for purchase at all home games or in the school office.