Welcome to Little Clipper's Preschool
An educational experience being offered by the Cleveland school District for preschool age children.
Little Clipper’s Preschool provides a stimulating environment in which children will focus on kindergarten readiness, social, communication, and motor skill development.
This unique program will provide an integrated learning environment for students 3 years old to 6 years of age.
For information please contact:
Cleveland Public School District Office: 507-484-1324
Email: Lynell Rohlfing, rohlfing.lynell@isd391.org
Our Philosophy
The Cleveland School Readiness/Early Childhood Special Education Program reflects the school district’s goal to have every child ready for kindergarten. We prepare all children for lifelong learning in this changing world by providing opportunities for children to develop their individual abilities, talents, and social skills within an atmosphere of mutual respect.
Early development is fundamental to the growth of your child
Our Curriculum
The 1-2-3 Learn Curriculum is a research-based curriculum designed to help the whole child grow and develop socially, physically and intellectually. It is aligned with the Minnesota Early Childhood Indicators of Progress.
Give your child the greatest gift ever, a strong foundation for school success!
Our Program
Little Clipper’s Preschool provides a stimulating environment in which children will focus on kindergarten readiness skills, social skills, communication, and motor skill development. This unique program will provide an integrated learning environment for students 3 years old to 5 years of age. We are a four-star rated program that excels in the use of best practices in preparing children for kindergarten by the Minnesota Department of education. www.parentawareratings.org
Age appropriate classes make this a great place to grow
Our Classes
Three & Four year olds: 4 days per week (Monday-Thursday) 7:50-10:45 A.M.
Four & Five year olds: 4 days per week (Monday-Thursday) 12:00-2:45 P.M.
Preschool families will be billed by the district office and are required to pay one month in advance. A sliding fee scale will be made available for those who qualify under the income guidelines of the free/reduced lunch program The Early Childhood Special Education program is a state funded service for students who qualify with a developmental need. This program is at no cost to the family.
School district office: 507-931-5953
School Readiness/Early Childhood Special Education Coordinator/Teacher: Lynell Rohlfing
Phone: 507-484-1324 Email: rohlfing.lynell@isd391.org
Preschool Registration Form: https://www.isd391.org/preschool-registration
Digital Equity & Transportation Form: https://www.isd391.org/page/formsparents
Transportation is available and will be provided by the district on the regular school bus routes and non-district routes for a fee.
Transportation Director: Nick Klaseus 507-934-5460 klaseus.nick@isd391.org
Early Childhood Screening
Cleveland School district 391 offers Early Childhood Screening twice a school year (September & March). Early Childhood Screening is a free and simple check of how your child is growing, developing and learning. Screening at 3 is preferred, but a child may be screened between the ages of 3 and the start of kindergarten as required by law.
Information may be obtained by calling 507-484-1324, or emailing: rohlfing.lynell@isd391.org