The Booster Club needs your help please to sign up for Concessions for Baseball/Softball and Comm Ed Volleyball. This helps the Booster Club support the Athletic, Band, and Fine Arts programs at Cleveland for our students.
You can easily find these sign-up links on the Clipper Webpage under "Activities" and "Concession Stand Sign-Up". (
We are excited to announce that we will again be giving out Clipper Gear gift cards for those that volunteer! After completing a minimum of 3 concession shifts (between all Spring and Summer games for baseball and softball or Comm Ed Volleyball), an individual will be entered into a drawing for a $50 Clipper gear gift card. Two winners will be drawn at the end of the summer season. For every completed shift beyond 3 shifts that an individual signs up for, they will earn a bonus entry into the drawing.
Baseball and Softball
Volleyball Community Ed