Mariah McCabe was crowned this year’s Miss Irish Rose at the Le Sueur County St. Patrick’s Day coronation, held in the Le Center Legion on Friday evening.
Olivia Shouler won the John Gregory O’Connell Memorial, an award in memory of one of the celebration’s founders.
Lauren Jacobsen was crowned Miss Shamrock while Morgan Fredrickson was crowned Miss Leprechaun.
Besides earning scholarships, the four will represent the celebration at parades and events around Minnesota.
Above: As Miss Irish Rose, Mariah McCabe rode in the St. Patrick’s Day parade in Le Center on Saturday.
Oliva Shouler in the St. Patrick’s Day parade.
Last year’s Miss Shamrock and John Gregory O’Connell award winner Keira Oeltjenbruns crowned Oliva Shouler.
Last year’s Miss Irish Rose Lauren Powers crowned Mariah McCabe.
Mariah McCabe escorted by Brynn Smith.
Oliva Shouler escorted by Molly McMillan.