Brennon Holicky

Fifth and sixth graders who moved on to the Regional Science Fair at Minnesota State University, Mankato on Saturday, April 27 returned with top awards.

Sixth grader Brennon Holicky was first in the engineering category. He hypothesized chemical energy in potatoes could be converted to electrical energy, enough to power an LED.

Sixth grader Anistyn Dauk took home a gold trophy for first place and a purple ribbon. She examined crystal formation.

Sixth grader Addison Sandhurst took first in the egg-animal category. She looked at the quality of natural dyes.  

Sixth grader Anthony Geppert earned a silver medal and a purple ribbon. He studied the effect of acidic water has on rocks.

Sixth grader Kylie Wobbrock was second in the microbiology category. She determined the best cleaner to kill bacteria.

Sixth grader Jocelyn Clark was second all-around for her age. She studied how clean are the places we eat.

Fifth grader Griffin Rutz earned a purple ribbon for his physics project “Which kind of marble will go down a marble track the fastest?”

Fifth grader Riley Domras won a purple ribbon for determining “Which liquid has the most capacity?”

Fifth grader Hannah Geppert won a purple ribbon for her project “Germs Everywhere.  How well do disinfectants work?”

Fifth grader Will Zimmerman won the silver award in the biology category. He studied the degradation time for paper straws.

Fifth grader Emma Kopischke took home a blue ribbon for her study on “What food her cat liked the most.”

Above: Brennon Holicky at the Regional Science Fair (photo courtesy of Vanessa Holicky)