Brian Phillips

The June 17 schoolboard meeting was the last one for superintendent Brian Phillips (at left above), at least as a school administrator.

Phillips’ official retirement date is this Friday (June 28). He served the school for 28 years, the first nine as a principal before becoming superintendent.

“I wanted to say thanks from all of us and from past board members,” said board chairperson Scott Miller (right). “I think there are probably lots of ways to measure success, but the district looks a lot different now than it did before, and that’s a good thing: a bigger building, more students, better facilities and better and more programs.”

“I want to thank the school district and the board members for the 28 years,” Phillips said. “It has been a privilege and honor serving this community and the school district. It’s been a good journey, but all journeys end.”

Phillips also acknowledged Dustin Bosshart, who was in attendance, for taking over the superintendent position.

There will be an open-house retirement party for Phillips in the Cleveland American Legion Son's Hall on Saturday, July 13, starting at 5:00 p.m.