Giving up their recess every day this week, members of the Elementary Student Council (fifth and sixth graders) tied fleece blankets that will be used for families of chronically ill children who are being treated in Rochester.
With their workshop set up in the media center, the students made 13 colorful blankets.
Along with blankets made by other organizations and individuals through the Mighty Miles Superhero Network, those made by the Elementary Student Council will be used by families staying in Rochester at the Ronald McDonald House or in St. Mary’s Hospital.
The students said they were happy to be making blankets for people going through difficult times.
“They’re comfortable and cheerful, better than hospital blankets.”
The blanket drive is this Sunday, and the blankets will be hauled to Rochester next Saturday.
Every year, the Mighty Myles Superhero Network gathers about 1,000 blankets, said Shanna Roloff, who is a board member of the organization, and, along with Charlie Haugen, an Elementary Student Council advisor.
To make a tied blanket, the students used two fleece fabrics, each about a yard and a half square. One of the pieces had a pattern, while the other was a single color that corresponded with a color in the pattern. Money raised at last week’s glow dance was used to purchase the materials.
The students stacked the sections on top of each other, and, after notching out the corners, they cut an approximately five-inch slit every inch around the perimeter. They cut the slits in both pieces of fabric at the same time, so they all overlapped. Then they double knotted the pair of tabs, top and bottom, effectively tying the two fabric sections together to make a warm, colorful blanket.
“They bring a smile,” said Addy Hoffmann, a fifth-grade member on the ESC.
In memory of Myles Genelin (2017-2020), son of EFCE teacher Ashley Genelin, the Mighty Myles Superhero Network’s mission is to support families of chronically ill children and families experiencing child loss.
Above: Thursday’s Elementary Student Council blanket tying crew: from L-R, front row: Lucy Smith, Blair Voit, Bella Baker and Addy Hoffmann. Back row, Emmy Miller, Kennedy Schleeve, Olivia Kopischke, Ruby Page, Olivia Olson, Brylee Kortuem and Brienna Groebner. Behind them are Elementary Student Council advisors Shanna Roloff and Charlie Haugen.
Fifth graders Lucy Smith and Addy Hoffmann work on a blanket with a shark motif.
Fifth grader Davin McLister works on a sports-themed blanket with Charlie Haugen. In the background are fifth graders Ruby Page and Jada Roemhildt with Shanna Roloff.
Jada Roemhildt cuts slits in the fabric while Ruby Page ties them together.
Sixth grader Emmy Miller works on a dinosaur-themed blanket.
Sixth grader Olivia Kopischke puts the finishing touches on a whimsically themed blanket.
Sixth graders Brylee Kortuem and Bella Baker work on a blanket with a jungle theme.
Sixth grader Blair Voit with a throwback to classic comics blanket
Elementary Student Council Advisors Charlie Haugen and Shanna Roloff pack away the 13 blankets. They will be aggregated this weekend in a blanket drive.