With benefits like increased efficiency and problem-solving ability, it’s no wonder why artificial intelligence (AI) has exploded in popularity over the past year.
But at the same time, AI, a technology that enables computers to perform complex tasks that typically require human intelligence and creativity, has brought loads of controversy along with it.
For example, fifth grader Arbor Linder’s grandmother, Chris Thomas, uses AI in her work as a realtor. Adding images of furniture and décor to photos on her phone, she can easily show clients how ordinary rooms could look…all in a few seconds.
On the flip side, AI can mislead people into trusting “fake news.”
“AI is good because it can make pictures and videos really fast, and it can answer questions,” Linder said, “but sometimes, it’s bad because AI can make fake pictures or videos that look real, and people might believe them even though they’re not true.”
So, for Linder, one of more than 100 Cleveland fifth and sixth graders who participated in the science fair, which was held in the school commons on Friday morning, AI was a relevant topic for her project. Specifically, she investigated which demographic could best discern between images taken with a camera and images generated on a computer by AI.
Linder separated her test population into four groups: fifth-grade boys, fifth-grade girls, adult men and adult women. Each group had five test subjects, and she showed each subject 10 images, half AI and half real. Linder kept other potential variables constant: each image was the same size, and each test subject got the same amount of time to look at the images.
She got the idea for the experiment when she and her brother were watching videos and having a difficult time deciding which were AI and which were real.
Perhaps because she is in that demographic, Linder thought the fifth-grade girls would be able to differentiate the most images, but instead it was the female adults who best had that ability.
“My hypothesis was incorrect,” she said. “But what I learned from this experiment is that it is really difficult to determine which one is AI and which one is reality.”
The judges liked Linder’s project and the scientific method she used, so she is eligible to advance to the Regional Science Fair, which will be held on Saturday, April 26 at 7:30 a.m. in the Minnesota State University, Mankato field house.
Others who can go on from Linder’s (Jeff Skinner’s) classroom are Karleigh Duffey, Adli Hoisington, Reid Johnson, Shayne Jordan, Kendall Kern, Nolan McLister, Desmond McMonagle, Alijah Pierce-Pike, Clarence Roe and Kenzie Sandhurst.
Eligible to advance from Katie Wolf’s fifth-grade classroom are Brooklyn Berg, Halle Blume, Kennedy Dauk, Ollie Edwards, Javan Fuller, Blayke Holicky, Will Koppelman, Davin McLister, Ruby Page, Jayda Roemhildt, Brooklyn Schmitt, Lucy Smith and Lexi Wobbrock.
Able to go on from Brady Hahn’s sixth-grade classroom are Lincoln Ernsting, Maicey Fischer, Charlie Gair, Brienna Groebner, Abel Hastings, Zayne Hoechst, Elijah Johnson, Olivia Kopischke, Bo Kortuem, Blair Voit and William Zimmerman.
Qualifying from Bre Meyer’s sixth-grade classroom are Bella Baker, Jacquelyn Heldberg, Griffin Rutz, Emmy Miller, Isaac Schlief, Riley Domras, Kennedy Schleeve, Logan Baker, Charles Mons, Emma Kopischke, Leighton Entrekin, Raelynn Holicky, Ellie Williams and Victoria Ritchie.
Judging the projects were teachers Wolf, Meyer, Hahn, Skinner, Madisyn Loken, Cassidy Block, Emily Manser, Brooke Vogel, Charlie Haugen, Kaitlynn Falkner, Anneliese Johnson, Lisa Pope, Jill Rollenhagen, Maggie Weideman, Kyle Atherton and Casey Olson; student teachers Jack Klinder, Lauren Waldroff, Brady Kienitz, and Olivia Haines; counselors Shanna Roloff and Megan Peterson; administrative assistants Allison Stoffel and Katie Hoffmann, paraprofessional Brandi Grandaw, AD Rich Kern, technology specialist Alissa Gibbs, community member Tami Skinner and NHS members Carter Kern, Vivian Hilfer, Jackson Bowen, Evelyn Keltgen, Emma Bluhm and Anna Kawatski-Klein.
About the science fair
The students started their projects in earnest way back in September, during the very first week of school, said Skinner.
“The kids worked on choosing a topic in a science area. From that topic they designed an experiment. They worked on procedure steps, materials and variables, which led them to doing their experiments at home starting in December and culminating today.”
Experiments ranged from determining what brand of consumer product functioned the best, like which water bottle keeps water the coolest, to how variables affect plant growth…from how music affects heart rate to how identical are identical twins.
“The big thing is using the scientific method in all the steps of science,” Skinner said. “They also learn the measurements in their experiment and determine what they've learned, what mistakes they've made and if they did it again, what they would do differently.”
But the project also goes beyond science, Skinner said, as students learn how to keep records and present their experiments both verbally and with information displayed on a poster board.
“Presenting, sharing what they learned, is a big part.”
Every student’s project was judged three times, first by their classroom teacher and then by two other adults.
Above: Arbor Linder in front of her project presentation board
Fifth grade teacher Jeff Skinner takes notes during the fair.
Elementary students toured the fair.
Bentley Atherton studied how big “elephant toothpaste,” can get. Elephant toothpaste is a mixture of hydrogen peroxide, potassium iodine, yeast and water that generates foam and is a popular experiment.
Gabe Anderson studied how liquids influence plant growth.
Let’s go bananas! Grace Anderley studied variables in the banana ripening process.
Breanna Bosse took a look at how containers keep strawberries fresh.
Brooklyn Berg wanted to see how the number of jumps influences the distance she could achieve on a backflip.
Raul Andrade tested the effectiveness of a water filtration method.
Kenzie Borer compared the cleanliness of water, including bottled, RO, tap, water from snow and lake water. Here, she shows a specimen to third grader Daphnae Page.
Abel Hastings determined what material melts ice the quickest.
Stormie Davis wanted to find out what brand of bubble gum can make the largest bubble.
Bella Baker compared the ability of different types of Tupperware to keep strawberries fresh.
Jose Arntson Castro wanted to see how temperature and moisture influenced mold growth on bread.
Brooklynn Dennison studied what type of toy her dog prefers.
Kennedy Dauk studied the insulation properties of tumblers.
Logan Baker tested how the flex property of hockey sticks affected his shot speed and accuracy.
Blake Christiansen wanted to see if fish go more for live bait or fake bait.
Karleigh Duffey found out that pothos plants grow better in a clay substrate than in water.
Ollie Edwards wanted to know what type of soda will grow plants the best.
Lincoln Ernsting took a look at how surfaces influenced the bouncing of a basketball.
In a physics experiment, Javan Fuller studied how a basketball’s air pressure influenced how a basketball bounces.
Dawson Coon tested the effectiveness of fish decoys.
Maicey Fischer wanted to see what color of lure attracted fish the most.
Chase Harkins wanted to find out what liquid made gummy bears grow the most.
Charlie Gair studied what food buffalos prefer.
Ashley Geldner determined what brand of popcorn yields fewer seeds upon popping.
Addyson Hoffmann wanted to know how crystal growth relates to temperature.
Leighton Entrekin studied how different materials affect ice melting.
Dennis Ginter Ernsting took a look at floors and how they influence the bounce height of a basketball.
Adli Hoisington wanted to find out what “invisible ink” makes messages the most visible.
Blayke Holicky wanted to see if an alkaline battery could power a simple motor.
Robert Hammermeister took a look at what soda, when mixed with Mentos candy, expands the most.
Brienna Groebner learned what brand of popcorn has the highest popping efficiency.
Jacquelyn Heldberg studied how well different liquids mixed with baking soda clean cotton, including vinegar, lemon juice, hydrogen peroxide and water.
Shayne Jordan wanted to know what type of liquid will make grass grow the best.
Raelynn Holicky wanted to find out which liquid will make a gummy bear change the most.
Keegan Karels wanted to know what bottle would make the fastest vortex.
It takes one to know one. Davin McLister wanted to see if he and his identical twin would answer questions the same as compared to a friend of the same age.
Emma Kopischke measured the amount of iron in food.
The heat is on! Elijah Johnson determined how an object’s color affects how much heat it generates through light absorption.
Kendall Kern determined which brand of nail polish lasts the longest.
Colter O’Keefe wanted to know if horses prefer salt or minerals.
Brylee Kortuem wanted to see how fast different types of vinegars would dissolve Skittles candy.
Olivia Kopischke determined what kind of hand soap best eliminates bacteria.
Paxton Kluntz wanted to know what type of meat his cat preferred.
Ruby Page compared tap water to bottled water.
Emmy Miller studied how different liquids influenced the growth of radishes.
Bo Kortuem determined that lemon juice made pennies the shiniest.
Dexter Kopischke studied how different liquids affect plant growth.
Charles Mons wanted to find out at what time of day his dog would eat food the fastest.
Anthony Manteufel found out which gum held its flavor the longest.
Reid Riffle studied quicksand.
Victoria Ritchie wanted to see if a candle’s color influenced how fast it burned.
Khloe McCabe studied how many lemons it took to light up a light bulb.
Nolan McLister studied how music influences heart rate.
Jayda Roemhildt wanted to see how water temperature relates to the time it takes to dissolve a bath bomb.
Zoey Meissner studied how sight influences taste.
Desmond McMonagle compared the electrical potential of potatoes, lemons and cucumbers.
Remy Sampson studied the smell of bass (fish) slime compared to northern slime. He concluded that northerns have a stronger smell because they swim in weeds and live in dirty water.
Zackery Miller studied which exercise will elevate heart rate to the highest level.
Go Fetch! Harrison Pearson found out what toy his dog ran after the most.
Matthew Sargent wanted to see how the size of an air cannon affects the distance it will shoot.
Alijah Pierce-Pike studied which type of water facilitates plant growth the best.
Brooklyn Schmitt wanted to find out what treats dogs like the most.
Brock Pugh studied how accurate people were on determining which soda they drank.
Ryker Reinhardt wanted to know what type of rubber band would make a wind-up toy car travel the farthest.
Kennedy Schleeve wanted to find out where the most bacteria hangs out.
Miles Reintjes wanted to find out what bread gets moldy the soonest.
Clarence Roe wanted to know if life could be sustained in a semi-sealed environment.
Lucy Smith related light conditions to plant growth.
Isaac Schlief compared the strength of different brands of garbage bags.
Evalyn Schummer studied how age affects reaction times.
Studying physics, Talan Samuelson wanted to know how marble size influences its speed.
Scarlett Straub studied how long soaking in vinegar will make an egg bounce the highest.
Kenzie Sandhurst related the visibility of a swimsuit with its color.
Ellie Williams wanted to know if cola, tea or coffee will stain teeth the most.
Silas Vlasak determined which paper towel will hold the most water.
Blair Voit wanted to see if people could really determine if they are drinking Pepsi or Coke.
Parker Stoffel studied cars powered by balloons.
In a study of ballistics, William Zimmerman determined how speed and weight of a .22 bullet influenced accuracy, impact and trajectory.
Hans Tackett wanted to find out which liquid best facilitates plant growth.
Halle Blume wanted to see if slime, cookie dough and Playdough would power a light. She learned the concentration of salt in the material is important.
Missing from the photos are Lexi Wobbrock, Adonis Williams, Ethan Traxler, Greyson Schmidt, Will Tarkey, Emma Steinborn, Jeremiah Scott, Mason Sargent, Analise Rysdam, Griffin Rutz, Sawyer Roemhildt, Kyle Rain, Collin Leppert, Zayne Hoechst, Reid Johnson, Riley Domras, Sofia Espino, Mia Edsel and Jase Blaschko.