Easter egg hunt

Like spring itself, pent up energy broke free Tuesday evening as scores of kids participated in Cleveland’s annual Community Education Easter egg hunt.

In a break from years past, the event was held during a weeknight instead of the usual Saturday morning.

“Because there were always so many tournaments and other activities going on, we thought we could get a bigger crowd on a weeknight, and it came true,” said community education coordinator Rich Kern, who estimated some 150 kids attended. “We had a full house. It’s the biggest one we’ve ever had.”

It took the kids less than 30 seconds to gather the hundreds of plastic eggs scattered around the floor of the new gym. There were zones marked off for five age groups up to sixth grade. Kids waited as Kern counted down the start. Each kid got to bag up to four eggs.

Six eggs held a golden ticket. Kids who found the tickets received a large Easter basket filled with toys and candy. Every kid took home a gift bucket with smaller prizes: pencils and a few pieces of candy.

As usual, the Easter bunny was on hand to greet kids and pose for photos, but new this year, the PTO got involved, serving food in the commons and setting up tables for kids to color or decorate cookies.

“We did it kind of like the Parade of Trees,” Kern said.

Funds for the prizes came from local businesses.

Lucy Smith donned bunny ears for the occasion.

Kids color before the egg hunt.

From bags to baskets to buckets, kids brought colorful containers to gather eggs.

Logan and Camden Meyer dig into the cookies they decorated.

Kids line up for the egg hunt.

Kids line up for the countdown.

It was far and away the biggest crowd ever for the egg hunt.

Kids break out of the gate to find eggs. 

Harley Connor (left) and Laci Hollerich staffed the station where kids returned their eggs to see if they found a golden ticket. Working in the food stand were student volunteers Nathan Schmoll, Lilly Draheim and  Sarena Remiger. 

Kids get silly with the Easter bunny.

In colors for the season, this youngster poses with the Easter bunny.

Winners of the top prizes were James Smith (daycare), Cade Miller (pre-school), Dakota Hoheisel (kindergarten), August Keltgen (fifth grade), Hazel Hunt (pre-school), Griffen Weideman (fourth grade).

Presley Ledvina (age 5) and her sister Theery (age 3) pose for a photo

Laci Hollerich, Henry Strobel, Harley Connor and Rich Kern gather around the Easter bunny.

Katie (McCabe) Miller and daughter.