A tradition since at least as far back as the 1970s, Elementary Track & Field Day was back although not on track last Friday for the first time since 2019.
While rains made the football field too wet to use, physical education teacher Shawna Zabinski and company had the luxury of a roomy new gym and the large parking lot outside, where students in grades K through sixth had the opportunity to participate in eight stations ranging from the 40-yard dash to team building.
“Track & Field Day was wonderful to have back again at Cleveland after a couple of years,” Zabinski said. “It was a success all around as we saw many smiles on all the students’ faces, and we were very grateful for all of our volunteers, both students and parents.”
Classes, coded by colored shirts, moved around the stations, one by one. The stations were geared toward and designed around the state standards that students must complete throughout the school year, Zabinski said.
Running, throwing and kicking events were held in the parking lot while inside were jumping, beanbag and Frisbee toss, sack races, cart races and team ski races.
The meet was a good way for the students to unwind after their spring concert the day before.
Sixth grader Kayla Hoffmann in a the soccer ball kick station.
Second graders ball kicking.
Team building ski race
Beanbag toss
Cart races
Jumping race
Jumping race
Potato sack race
Long jump
Long jump
Fourth graders doing team building ski races
Sixth grader Jackson Wille winds up for a football throw.
Sixth grader Wyatt Krenik prepares to throw a football.
Second grader Lucy Smith winds up for the ball toss.
Second grader Lexi Wobbrock runs the 40-yard dash.
Sixth grader Luke Heldberg competes in the football throw.
Sixth grader Aubrey Blaschko in the football toss.
Beanbag toss
Fourth graders compete in the jumping races
40-yard dash
Fifth graders in the soccer ball kick
Fifth grader Mattea Grandaw drop kicks the soccer ball.
Wheelbarrow races
Wheelbarrow races. Driving is fourth grader Natalie Flowers.
Long jump
Sixth graders Aubrey Blaschko and Jocelyn Kortuem team up for the Frisbee toss.
Kindergartener Julia Flowers in the cart races
Cart races
Third graders in the team ski race
Sixth graders Valentina Rohlfing, Aubrey Blaschko and Kayla Hoffmann team ski.
Fourth graders team ski