Note from the Principal


By Mr. Lusk

Welcome Back!

It is a pleasure to welcome you all back to Cleveland Public School. School resumes on 

Tuesday, September 6th, 2022 for all students in grades 7 – 12.


All elementary students grades K - 6 are invited to attend the “Fall Welcome Back Conferences” with their parents on Tuesday, September 6th and Wednesday, September 7th. School will start on Thursday, September 8th for Kindergarten through 6th grade. If you have not received your date and time for conferences please contact the school office. 

Preschool Open House is scheduled for Tuesday, September 6th, Wednesday, September 7th and Thursday, September 8th. Preschool will start on Monday, September 12th.

Welcome to New Staff

We want to welcome our newest members of the Clipper Family:  

Ms. Kayla Bilotta - Title I, Mr. Brady Bosse - Science, Mrs. Rebecca Herberg - Agriculture from Science, and Mrs. Alissa Gibbs - Teacher on Special Assignment from Title I. New paraprofessionals include Ms. Makenzey Fischer, Ms. Samantha Simonette, Ms. Chloe Taber, Mr. Dalton Thelen, and Ms. Marie McCabe. We are very excited to have those individuals join our staff and we welcome them to our community and school.

Phone/Smartwatches/Personal Devices:

Students may bring cell phones, smartwatches,  personal electronic devices, and accessories to school at their own risk. At Cleveland Public School, cell phones, smartwatches, and personal electronic devices must  not be in the classroom. These items may be used during passing time, and lunch time. Cleveland Public School is not liable for your personal belongings including technology. Please see the handbook for more information. 


Lockers are provided for students to store their computers, cell phones, smartwatches, personal devices, books, clothing, and personal belongings. Do not bring valuables or large amounts of money to school and leave them in your locker. Cleveland Public School is not liable for your loss of personal belongings. 

Students will be assigned lockers. Students may not change lockers. Students are not allowed to share lockers. Locks to secure lockers may be purchased in the office for $6.00. Unauthorized locks will be cut off without notice. Students should not give their combination to anyone. 

Students may be assigned a locker in the locker room for use in physical education. Students are strongly advised to leave all valuables in their regular locker, rather than locking them in their gym locker. A gym lock will be available for purchase. Locks to secure lockers must be Master V10 locks (these have a keyhole in the back). These locks may be purchased in the office for $6.00. You will get your money back at the end of the year if you return the lock. 

All lockers are subject to inspection and will be checked periodically. Lockers remain the property of Cleveland Public School and are subject to inspection by school officials.


Backpacks are allowed. Backpacks must be hung on the back of your chairs and not laid on the ground for safety purposes. You can not carry your cell phone in your backpack during classes. 

Seventh Grade & New Student Orientation

We will be having seventh grade orientation on Thursday, September 1st at 1:00 p.m. in the new commons area. New 7th-12th grade students who would like to participate, please send an email to

Elementary “Welcome Back Conferences” 

Students in grades K-6 will have “Welcome Back Conferences”  on Tuesday, September 6  and Wednesday, September 7. Thursday, September 8th will be the students’ first day of school. If you have not received your date and time for conferences please contact the school office. 

High School First Day of Classes 

Students in grades 7-12 will start classes on Tuesday, September 6, 2022. All students in grades 7-12 will report to the New Gym before their first period class. 7-12 grade students, please check Infinite Campus for your schedule. The schedule will be available before the first day of school.

Reporting Attendance   

If you know your child will be absent from school, please call Mrs. Katie Hoffmann at (507) 484-1359 or send an email to 


  • Family vacation request: A parent must prearrange with the office by contacting the Attendance line for any family vacations. The days will not be counted against the attendance policy. Students or parents should email all of their child's teachers at least one week ahead of the days they will be absent. Students should not ask teachers for homework right before class, as the teachers primary focus is classroom instruction that hour.

  • Extra long vacations or multiple vacations that extend beyond 2 weeks of the school year are discouraged. Families exceeding 10 days of vacation should have a homework plan with teachers a minimum of 2 weeks in advance. Homework is required and may affect grades. 

Doctor Notes 

Excused Absences

After more than 10 excused absences due to illness, we will ask that your child be cleared by our school nurse, or request a doctor's note, for illness to be considered an excused absence. In doing this, we are looking out for the best interest of your child’s health and safety. If neither of these are provided, we will consider your child’s absences unexcused.

After 5 consecutive excused absences a doctor's note will be required. 

Eighteen-Year-Old Student’s Rights and Responsibilities

Students who are 18 years old or older, regardless of adult status granted by state statute, are still obligated to abide by all school district policies and regulations. Eighteen-year-old students may write their own excuses, but it is still at the discretion of administration as to whether or not the absence or tardiness is excused or unexcused. The school may legally share all education information with an eighteen-year-old’s parent/guardian. All 18 year old students must check out of the office before leaving school. If the process is not followed the absence will be unexcused.

VAPE Punishment 

5 day suspension for possession. 

10 day suspension for use. 

Student Arrival Dismissal Times 

Parents and students are reminded to come as close to 7:50 A.M. as possible. Students need to leave the building by 3:10 P.M. 

Student Drop off and Pick Up

Please remember to drop your child off on the west side of 6th Street. This ensures your child will not cross the street in front of cars or buses. Safety is of utmost importance.  


A good way to help your child start the year off right is to spend a little time with them discussing the syllabus that each student in grades 7-12 will receive for each class they are taking. The syllabus will give you useful information, such as the length of the course, the meeting time, the course requirements, the graduation standards requirements, the content of what the course will cover, the grading procedures and other very useful information to help your child succeed.

Parent/Teacher Conferences

Parent/teacher conferences for students are scheduled for Monday, October 17th and Tuesday, October 18th. Please be proactive and communicate with your child’s  teachers before conferences. We will update you in the future on the format that parent/teacher conferences will take place. School pictures will be taken the nights of Parent/Teacher Conferences.

Honor Roll 

There will be 2 honor rolls for grades 9-12. This is because of regulations for our College In The Schools classes. Grades 7-8 will have 4 honor rolls. 

Bullying/Harassment Process: 

Bullying Policy 514 - is located online at 

  • Sometimes the term “bullying” is used to refer to student actions that are either rude or mean.  Rude actions are things that happen either once or rarely and the offending person might not even be aware that their actions are bothering someone.  Mean actions are deliberately intended to hurt someone else’s feelings or possibly even intimidate them.  When this type of action occurs either once or rarely, it is mean.  In order to be bullied, there needs to be hurtful behavior that continues to happen, even after the offending student has been asked to stop.  Remember, school officials cannot even address a possible bullying issue unless the student has told a staff member about the situation.  Administration encourages students to report repeated behaviors happening, even after the offending student has been asked to stop.  Once administration is aware of the problem, then steps in the general process for handling alleged bullying can begin.

General Process Of  Administrative Steps When Bullying Is Alleged:

Step one:  Meeting and discussion with guidelines for expected behaviors for all students involved. Parents or all students involved contacted.  Incident documented for future reference.

Step two: After investigation, all parties deemed to have violated the conditions set in the step one meeting will be subject to suspension.  Due process for student suspension will be followed in the administration of suspensions.

Step three: With repeated violation of conditions set in step one meeting will result in a longer suspension and the possibility of student removal from the school setting by recommending suspension expulsion to the school board. Due process for student suspension or removal will be followed.

Staff Qualifications

Parents, if you would like to know any of the following information about our staff please contact Superintendent, Brian Phillips:

  • whether the teacher is licensed for the grades and subjects assigned

  • whether the teacher is teaching with a special permission

  • the academic credentials or preparation of the teacher

  • whether their child is provided services by a paraprofessional and his/her qualifications

Here are a couple of reminders that I thought you should be aware of:

Cleveland Public School has a single point entry system. The doors will remain open until 8:00 a.m. and will remain locked until 2:56 p.m. When you come into school you will need to come into the office and check in with a secretary and get a name tag.  After checking in, you will then proceed through the office and go through a security door to gain access to the school. We are pleased that this security system is in place to help ensure student safety.

Infinite Campus is our grading, attendance, and teacher/student/parent communication system. We ask for you to monitor this application and have a discussion with your child on their homework and grades to help ensure your child's success in the classroom. You may also change your contact information online if you have any updates.  If you have any questions on Infinite Campus, please contact Mr. Tavish Satrom at or  507-484-1352.

Directory Information

FERPA also requires the school district, with certain exceptions, to obtain your written consent prior to the disclosure of personally identifiable information from your child’s educational records; however, the school may disclose some student information without written consent when the information is designated “Directory Information” unless you have advised the district to the contrary in accordance with district procedures.

The school district has designated the following as Directory Information:

  • Student name, parent name, address, phone number

  • Student photograph/image/recording

  • Degrees and awards received

  • Major field of study

  • Grade level completed

  • Participation in school sponsored activities and sports

  • Most recent educational agency or institution attended

  • Dates of attendance

  • Weight and height of members of athletic teams

The primary use for Directory Information by the district is to include this type of information in certain school publications. It is generally not considered harmful or an invasion of privacy if released. Directory Information can also be disclosed to outside organizations without a parent’s/guardian’s prior written consent, under certain conditions.


A student’s photograph/image/recording is also directory information and may be released. Photographs and videos of students participating in school activities and events may be taken by district personnel (and by the media with permission of school/district staff) for use in publications, marketing materials or online communications.

Parents/guardians may refuse to have any or all directory information made public by indicating that wish on the Registration Form.  If you wish to rescind your permission to release information, contact Lori Buss at and a new form will be provided to you to indicate your new level of consent.

Cleveland Public School is no longer allowing pets to be brought into school for any reason. If you have any questions please contact Mr. David Cink or Mr. Scott Lusk. 

If you have any questions, feel free to contact me at or 507-484-1301.

I am looking forward to all the great things that will be happening throughout the year!!!