22-23 School Year Communication Update
COVID-19 Guidance Updates
REMINDER: Binax Now COVID tests--one per student, per illness--are available from Health Services, upon request. Please call 507-484-1307 to arrange to pick up.
The CDC updated their COVID-19 guidance to help people better understand their risk, how to protect themselves and others, what actions to take if exposed to COVID-19, and what actions to take if they are sick or test positive for the virus. As part of this update, CDC also revised its operational guidance for K-12 schools and childcare programs. Changes to the guidance include:
- Removal of the recommendation to the cohort.
- Focused recommendations for conducting screening testing on high-risk activities during high COVID-19 community levels or in response to an outbreak.
- Removal of the recommendation to quarantine, except in high-risk congregate settings.
- Removed information about Test to Stay.
- Added detailed information on when to wear a mask, managing cases, and exposures, and responding to outbreaks.
While the CDC no longer recommends quarantine (staying home) after exposure to someone with COVID-19, it is still recommended that people take precautions, including getting tested and wearing a mask, regardless of vaccination status or if they had a previous infection.
MDH has updated the MDH Schools and Child Care: COVID-19 webpage to reflect these changes.
There are no resulting changes to our school's COVID Plan, found here: https://drive.google.com/file/...