While Title One reading teacher Kayla Bilotta is a new this year to the teaching staff, she is not new to Cleveland school.
“When I moved down to Madison Lake, I knew I wanted to be involved in a small, close-knit school district. I had subbed at Cleveland a few times in the past and loved the feel. I have been a para-professional in the school for the past two years and knew I would love to continue my career here.”
Bilotta grew up in Roseville and graduated from Roseville Area High School. She attended the University of Minnesota-Morris and received a bachelor’s degree and Elementary Education Teaching License.
From there, she went on to Hamline University and received a Masters in Arts of Education degree.
Before moving to this area, she taught first grade at a Charter School in Brooklyn Center. She also did a fourth-grade job share, was a fourth-grade long-term substitute and a sixth-grade teacher in the Roseville Public School District.
She has never desired to become anything but a teacher.
“I have always wanted to be a teacher since I was a little kid. It has always been a lifelong dream. I had a few teachers in elementary school, middle, school, and high school who helped reinforce the love I have always had by always being there for me both in school and out of school.”
She said reading is her favorite subject to teach.
“I have always had a passion for reading. I love getting pulled into a good book and listening to students have engaging conversations about the story and the connections they can make to the story. I love the ‘I got it’ moment that students get when they make the connection to the material.”
In her spare time, Bilotta likes to go hiking at Minnesota State Parks, spend time with her family at their cabin, play games with friends and family, and play in the Mankato Dart League. She has spent the summer getting ready for her October wedding.
Bilotta is taking over the Title One position for Alissa Gibbs. She was a paraprofessional in Gibbs’s room last year. Gibbs is moving into a new role: Teacher on Special Assignment-Infinite Campus / Test & Data Coordinator / Technology Integration Specialist.