Seventh and eigth-grade band

Sixth Street and Broadway from the school to downtown Cleveland were wrapped with orange and black and brimming with Clipper pride on Friday afternoon as the homecoming parade swaggered through.

The procession was led by the seventh and eighth grade band (above), which, playing the Clipper fight song, set the festive atmosphere.

Next came ranks of elementary students, homecoming royalty and a float by each of the six high school classes.

As the Clippers were taking on the Janesville-Waldorf-Pemberton in the football game, a bulldog was a universal motif.

Before the parade, students rallied at a pep fest in the new gym. AD Rich Kern brought up all the high school sports teams for introductions. Royalty played a guess-their counterpart’s answer game, and the pep band added to the festive atmosphere. 

Wrap-a-teacher competition before the pep fest. Above is Erik Hermanson.

Hailey Plonsky wraps Kyle Atherton.

The royalty in guess-the-answer competition

Sixth graders

Fifth graders

Fifth graders

Fourth graders

Fourth graders

Fifth grader Kylie Wobbrock

Second graders

Elementary students

More elementary students

Homecoming king Henry Strobel, second-grade attendant Kole Freier, queen Sarena Remiger and second-grade attendant Ava Pick. 

The homecoming court: Nathan Schmoll, Amelia Tauer, Tanyon Hoheisel, Harley Connor and Caitlyn McCarthy.

Seventh graders road in the back of a pickup truck. With the sign is Jax Leagjeld.

Eighth-grade float

Freshman float

Sophomore entry

Sophomore float

Junior float

Junior float.

Junior float

Senior float

Senior float

Karin Miller’s kindergarten class

Katie Hollerich’s kindergarten class

Tonya Baker’s kindergarten class

Marching junior high band

First grader Destini Logan


More juniors

Alec Rogers (CHS 2016) represented the CFD

Jersie Kelley and Brenna McCarthy dressed for the day.

Fifth graders. In front are Hadley Thompson and Natalie Flowers.