For his hard work in and out of the classroom, Nathan Schmoll is one of two CHS nominees for the Minnesota State High School League’s Academics, Arts, and Athletics Award (Triple ‘A’) award.
Schmoll is a member of the A Honor Role. Involved in all aspects of band, he is the second trombone in the Senior Concert Band, Holiday Jazz, and Jazz1.
He has been a member of student council for three years and was a member of SADD for one year. He is a volunteer staff member at Celebrate Me Week summer camp. He is also a blood donor.
His subject is calculus because “Mrs. (Deanna) Pautzke is an amazing teacher and makes math class fun.”
His most important mentors are his parents, Dale and Beth Schmoll.
“My dad has taught me many life skills and has prepared me to fix any problem. My mother has always been there for me and carried me through many struggles.
After graduation, he plans to attend North Dakota State University to study electrical engineering.
CHS Triple ‘A’ Award nominees and ExCEL award nominees (Carter Barto and Madysen Seely) will be recognized at halftime during the boys basketball game at Cleveland tomorrow (Thursday).
To be eligible for the Academics, Arts, and Athletics Award a student must be a senior at the time of nomination. Nominations are limited to two qualifying students per school, one male and one female. They need a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher at the date of nomination, must participate in League-sponsored athletics and fine arts activities and comply with the MSHSL Student Code of Conduct. The award was established in 1988.
Triple ‘A’ Award recipients are selected through a multi-level process involving member schools of the League, the League’s administrative regions, and a special committee of educators, business leaders, and members from the fine arts and athletic communities.
Two award finishers from each region (one boy and one girl) will be invited to a recognition banquet in March and League officials will announce the four statewide Triple ‘A’ Award winners at that time. All 32 finalists will also participate in an on-court ceremony during the Class AA championship game of the Boys Basketball State Tournament. The statewide award winners—a girl and a boy from Class A and Class AA schools—will also receive a four-year $1,000 scholarship.
Above: Dale and Beth Schmoll, Nathan Schmoll and Allison Schmoll (CHS 2019).