There will be a junior class meeting during SOS on Tuesday, Feb. 7. Report to your SOS first then come to the media center for the meeting.
Order Forms for Candy Grams and Flowers for Valentine's Day are due this Friday, February 3rd. Extra copies of order forms can be found in the district office or on the bulletin board next to Mr. A's room. They can be turned into the district office!
Elementary Student Council will meet today in the media center after lunch.
Attention 10th and 11th graders if you are interested in being a mentor please fill out the form on your google classroom. The form is due on February 15th by the end of the day. We would love you to be a part of this growing program!
Health Services is in need of clean plastic ice cream pails (no lids) and new bags of sugar-free or regular mint Lifesavers. Any donations are greatly appreciated. Drop off at your convenience. Thank you!
HAPPY GROUNDHOG'S DAYYYYY!! He saw his shadow, so we have 6 more weeks of winter!
8/1 Half-Birthdays:
Brayden S- Grade 2
Charlotte S- Grade 5
Blake S- Grade 6
Order Forms for Candy Grams and Flowers for Valentine's Day are due this Friday, February 3rd. Extra copies of order forms can be found in the district office or on the bulletin board next to Mr. A's room. They can be turned into the district office!
Attention 10th and 11th graders if you are interested in being a mentor please fill out the form on your google classroom. The form is due on February 15th by the end of the day. We would love you to be a part of this growing program!
For all Tech Club members, there WILL BE robotics practice after school on Wed February 1st.
Health Services is in need of clean plastic ice cream pails (no lids) and new bags of sugar-free or regular mint Lifesavers. Any you are able to donate, it is greatly appreciated. Drop off at your convenience. Thank you!
The following students will serve detention today with Mr. Roberts- # 337, 685, 7372, 882, 731,7603, 545, 7439.
Congratulations to Mackenzie Robb and Mr. Roberts, you are the winners for the monthly Clipper Pride Drawing. Stop by the Spanish classroom during SOS or after school to select your prize.
Today is Specialists' Day 4 and it is Day 3 for Kindergarten.
Emily G- Grade 11
Richard J- Grade 7
Adam R- Grade 7
7/31 Half-Birthdays:
Ellie E- Grade 10
Rook W- Grade 2
There will be a Knowledge Bowl practice in the Media Center during lunch today!
There will be a SADD meeting today during lunch. Find Ms.Zabinski for a pass.
For all Tech Club members, will be NO robotics practice after school on Wed February 1st.
Health Services is in need of clean plastic ice cream pails (no lids) and new bags of sugar-free or regular mint Lifesavers. Any you are able to donate, it is greatly appreciated. Drop off at your convenience. Thank you!
All School Play Interest Meeting for Grade 6-12 on January 31st at 2:25 in the Media Center.