Matthew H- Grade 11
Kendra Z- Grade 10
Joanna J- Grade 6
1/15 Birthdays:
Sloan S- Grade 7
Lucas K- Grade 6
Kaitlyn B- Grade 2
Gwendolyn O- PreK
1/14 Birthdays:
Oakley R- Grade 1
Bus # 3 will be late today, please excuse these students.
There will be a yearbook meeting today in Mrs. Yule's room during lunch.
Lunch today: Nacho Day
The signup for the FFA SAE showcase is currently open. The form is located on the FFA google classroom. You get points for participation as well as the opportunity to share with the community. All other information is on the google classroom in the form. The sign up closes on January 20th.
Today is Specialists' Day 4 and it is Day 2 for Kindergarten.
Come play bingo at the American Legion on Saturday, January 21st at 6pm. All proceeds go to 2023 After Prom Party. See the flyer for more details.
Happy Birthday to:
Amelia C- Grade 8
Declan H- Grade 1
Joanna L- Grade 10
Hailey P- Grade 12
7/11 Half-Birthdays:
Jaelyn G- Grade 5
Zoey H- PreK
Maria M- Grade 5
Bus 3 was running late this morning. Please excuse them to class.
High School Students: Remember to vote for your Snow Week Royalty before the end of the day today. The link has been emailed to you.
The signup for the FFA SAE showcase is currently open. The form is located on the FFA google classroom. You get points for participation as well as the opportunity to share with the community. All other information is on the google classroom in the form. The sign up closes on January 20th.
This is a friendly reminder about putting the right items in the recycling bins. The white recycling buckets in the hallways are for cans ONLY. For example, an apple core or banana peel do not belong in the bin. The blue bins in the classrooms are for paper and cardboard ONLY. Items like plastic, food, wrappers, or full milk cartons do not belong in the bin. Not following these rules makes other people's lives harder. Thank you for your cooperation.
There will be a 9-12 softball meeting in the commons today after school.
The following students will serve detention today with Mrs. Yule- # 7663, 7592, 948, 267.
Today is Specialists' Day 1 and it is Day 2 for Kindergarten.
Today is picture retake day! Please go to the small gym when your grade level is announced if you need retakes.
Happy Birthday to:
Ivan D- Kindergarten
Jack V- Grade 12
7/10 Half-Birthdays:
Lucille T- Grade 8
There is a Senior High Knowledge Bowl practice today during lunch in the Media Center.
There will be a SADD meeting today during lunch.
Today is Specialists' Day 5 and it is Day 1 for Kindergarten.