There will be an FFA meeting today during SOS in Ms. Susa's room. Bring your butterbraid forms and money to the meeting.
The Gustavus Volleyball Winter Clinic will be taking place Sunday, December 5th. High School players interested, please stop in the office for more details.
Today is Specialists' Day 4 and it is Day 1 for Kindergarten.
Happy birthday to:
Emma T- Grade 12
Connor N- Grade 1
Levi W- Grade 1
Lyla W- Grade 1
There will be an FFA meeting on Thursday during SOS in Ms. Susa's room.
The football team grades 7-12 will be meeting in the band room today during SOS. This will be a kick-off for our salt fundraiser!
The Gustavus Volleyball Winter Clinic will be taking place Sunday, December 5th. High School players interested, please stop in the office for more details.
Senior High Knowledge Bowl practice today in the Media Center during lunch. All 10th, 11th, and 12th grade students interested in participating in this awesome activity, please show up and join the fun!
Seniors: don't forget to attend Financial Aid night with your parents this Wednesday at 5:30 in the new commons if you plan on attending college next year! See Mrs. Peterson's Google Classroom page for details!
Today is Specialists' Day 3 and it is Day 3 for Kindergarten.
This is a reminder to all students that if you have signed up for the blood drive and you are under 18, please find Ms.Zabinski for a parent form.
The following students will serve Detention today in Mr. Dittrich's Room-7372, 259, 665, 986
Locker rooms are beginning to look messy, so all belongings should be picked up and put in a locker or taken home. Any items left on the ground or outside of a locker will be donated by Friday, November 5th.
Senior High Knowledge Bowl practice today during lunch in the media center.
Seniors: don't forget to attend Financial Aid night with your parents this Wednesday at 5:30 in the new commons if you plan on attending college next year! See Mrs. Peterson's Google Classroom page for details!
This is a reminder to all students that if you have signed up for the blood drive and you are under 18, please find Ms.Zabinski for a parent form.
Today is Specialists' Day 2 and it is Day 2 for Kindergarten.
The following students will serve Detention today in Mr. Dittrich's Room-7372, 259
Locker rooms are beginning to look messy, so all belongings should be picked up and put in a locker or taken home. Any items left on the ground or outside of a locker will be donated by Friday, November 5th.
Happy birthday: Virginia T- Kindergarten
10/31 Birthdays:
Kaly B- Grade 10
10/30 Birthdays:
Hazel O- Grade 4