Clipper Stickers and Clipper Tattoos are available in Mrs. Gibbs' office all week. Stickers are $3 and tattoos are 2 for $1.
The following students will serve detention today in Ms. Malone's room. #545, 7332, 175, 7560, 953, 633, 7372, 949, 7566, 133, 5040, 161, 870, 122.
Tomorrow's dress up day for High School is Anything But A Backpack Day and it is Class Color Day for everyone!
12th Grade is Camo & Blaze Orange
11th Grade is Blue
10th Grade is White
9th Grade is Black
8th Grade is Purple
7th Grade is Green
6th Grade is Red
5th Grade is Black
4th Grade is Pink
3rd Grade is Blue
2nd Grade is Purple
1st Grade is Green
Kindergarten is Yellow
PreK & Staff are Orange
Junior Fundraiser is due on Friday. Please get out and sell.
9-12th graders- Homecoming Dance tickets can be purchased in the office for $6.00 each.
The Cleveland School Blood Drive is coming up next month, so please find a flyer and sign-up. You need to be 16 years or older with parent permission. If you need a parent consent form, please email or find Ms.Zabinski.
Reminder for Elementary- Change Wars ends this Friday. Continue bringing in your change and dollar bills.
Today is Specialists' Day 1 and it is Day 2 for Kindergarten.
Homecoming Buttons are on sale in the office. The Elementary design and the High School design are both $2.00.
An admissions representative from WINONA STATE UNIVERSITY will be here today at 11:30. Stop by the Media Center if you are interested in this college!
Due to homecoming, the October FFA Meeting has been rescheduled. The new FFA meeting date is Monday, October 18th in Ms. Susa's room at SOS.
The following students will serve detention today in Ms. Malone's room. #545, 7332, 7588, 7560, 633.
Thank you for all the school spirit in your hallway decorations! Congratulations to the winners: 1st- Juniors, 2nd- Freshman, and 3rd-Seniors
Clipper Stickers and Clipper Tattoos are available in Mrs. Gibbs' office all week. Stickers are $3 and tattoos are 2 for $1.
Tomorrow's dress up day for High School is Neon & Construction Day and for Elementary, Wacky Wednesday!
Junior Fundraiser is due on Friday. Please get out and sell.
9-12th graders- Homecoming Dance tickets can be purchased in the office for $6.00 each.
The Cleveland School Blood Drive is coming up next month, so please find a flyer and sign-up. You need to be 16 years or older with parent permission. If you need a parent consent form, please email or find Ms.Zabinski.
There will be a S.A.D.D. Meeting today during lunch.
Today is Specialists' Day 5 and it is Day 1 for Kindergarten.