Today is Specialists’ Day 1 and it is Day 2 for Kindergarten.
Happy Birthday:
Jack S- Grade 11
All 7th-12th grade students interested in Knowledge Bowl who did not sign up yesterday, A meeting will be held in the Media Center today during SOS. Please come see what it’s all about!
The first SADD meeting is today during lunch in the commons area by the art room. If you did not sign-up and still want to join, just show up to the meeting.
Congratulations to Marshall Heldberg, Jay Pankratz, and Emma Treanor who competed in the GFW FFA Trap Shoot Invitational on Saturday.
There will be an FFA meeting for ALL interested students in grades 7-12 at lunch on Thursday in the Ag Room. Lunch will be provided! Last year's members should look for an email from Lilly Draheim with details about the meeting.
Today is Specialists’ Day 5 and it is Day 2 for Kindergarten.
Happy Birthday:
Kaleb A- PreK
Carter D- Grade 12
George G- Grade 6
James G- Grade 6
Today is Specialists’ Day 4 and it is Day 1 for Kindergarten.
Happy Birthday:
Leighton E- Grade 3
Braeden H- Grade 11
Grayce K- Grade 12
Charlotte M- Grade 5
Jackson M- Grade 5
Connor R- PreK
Logan S- Grade 4
Devyn W- PreK
Sunday, September 12th:
William S- PreK
Picture Day will be Monday, October 4th.
Reminder that there there will open an open house and dedication ceremony TONIGHT for the new school addition! Tours will start at 5PM and the dedication ceremony will begin at 6PM in the new gymnasium! We encourage all community members to come and check out the new space!!
There will also be a back to school celebration open to the entire community taking place in the new parking lot. Food, music and kids activities will be available so come join the fun!
Wrap up the night on the football field to cheer on the Cleveland Clippers at the first home game of the season at 7PM!
Reminder to all fans attending Cleveland football home games to bring a lawn chair or blanket to sit on the hillside to watch the game. Concessions will also be provided at each game. Go Clippers!!!
Monday is Picture Day!
Today is Specialists’ Day 3 and it is Day 3 for Kindergarten.
If you are interested in SADD, please sign-up on the bulletin board across from Mr. Atherton's room.
Monica will only have one lunch line today due to staffing issues.
The New bus release times are as follows:
Preschool - 2:45
Kindergarten - 2:47
1st Grade - 2:49
2nd Grade - 2:51
3rd Grade - 2:53
4th Grade - 2:54
5th Grade - 2:55
6th Grade - 2:56
If you are interested in SADD, please sign-up on the bulletin board across from Mr. Atherton's room.
There is a Student Council Meeting TODAY at SOS in the Media Center. We are looking for new members, anyone is invited to the meeting today!
NHS MEMBERS: CHECK YOUR EMAIL AND ADD YOURSELF TO OUR GOOGLE CLASSROOM! Let Mrs. Roberts know today if you are able to help with tours tomorrow evening!
High School Students - you have 20 minutes to eat your food then go to the old big gym.
There will be signs on tables with grade levels. Please sit where your grade level signs are on the table.
Elementary Teachers - please see the new time to go to lunch in an email Mr. Lusk sent yesterday afternoon.
Please remember that you need to clean up after yourself after you eat. Yesterday was not a good day! Do you make messes at your home or restaurants when you eat? Clean up after yourself!
We need you to follow these guidelines to make our lunch work!
Mrs. Kreniks 6th and 7th hour students will have study hall in the media center for the remainder of the year.
Today is Specialists’ Day 2 and it is Day 2 for Kindergarten.
Happy Birthday:
Mackezey F- Grade 12
Thank you to everyone who donated to the Go Fund Me for our teachers! They say it takes a village, and we sure have the best one!
Cleveland Clippers Volleyball / Under The Lights!!!
This Wednesday September 1 we will have a volleyball scrimmage on the Cleveland football field under the lights. All fans are welcome to attend. Bring your lawn chair and blanket to sit on the hill. Free admission. Concession stand will be provided. Starting at 7:00pm, the Volleyball C squads will play then at 8:00pm the JV and Varsity will play. Come support the kickoff for the 2021 Clipper Volleyball season with some volleyball "Under The Lights!" Go Clippers!!!
Cleveland Public Schools, ISD #391 is looking for two part-time Custodians to join our team. Evening hours, student contact days only. Competitive pay. Applications will be accepted until filled.
Please contact, or see website for application.
Allison Stoffel
Cleveland Public School
PO Box 310
Cleveland, MN 56017
Phone: (507) 484-1343
An Equal Opportunity/ADA Employer
Here is the application: