Happy Birthday to: Jessilynn M- Grade 6
almost 2 years ago, Daily Bulletin
There will be a sophomore class meeting tomorrow (Thursday) in Mr. Dittrich's room during SOS.
almost 2 years ago, Daily Bulletin
There will be a mandatory Senior High Knowledge Bowl practice today in the Media Center during lunch for team Brick Bronze to prepare for tomorrow's Regional Meet.
almost 2 years ago, Daily Bulletin
10th grade students who registered to take College in the Schools classes next year, check your email from Mrs. Peterson to complete the application!
almost 2 years ago, Daily Bulletin
Attention Photo Contest Winners! On Friday morning before school, come to Mrs. Yule's room for a donut. Students who submitted a photo for the snowscape contest will receive an email from Emily Holden on all the donut details.
almost 2 years ago, Daily Bulletin
Prom sign up in Ms. Pope's room. If you are just attending the after prom you need to sign up in Ms. Pope's room for that.
almost 2 years ago, Daily Bulletin
The following students will serve detention today with Mr.Bosse- # 257,7372.
almost 2 years ago, Daily Bulletin
ATTENTION 10-12 Grade Students with 3.4-4.0 GPA! Check your email for an NHS Eligibility Form/Invite from Ms. Roberts! Letters & forms are sent to those who qualify ONLY electronically this year for our chapter of National Honor Society! *CHS forms come straight from Ms. Roberts and are time-sensitive, so check now!
almost 2 years ago, Daily Bulletin
Last change to receive free autograph pages with your secondary yearbook purchase! Buy a yearbook before 3/17 and receive free autograph inserts for your book. Find a flyer in the office or in Mrs. Yule's room. Books are $55.
almost 2 years ago, Daily Bulletin
All 10th graders will attend the Career Expo field trip today. Please meet in the lobby at 8:30. We will be back by 11:30. You don't need to bring anything with you.
almost 2 years ago, Daily Bulletin
Today is Specialists' Day 5 and it is Day 2 for Kindergarten.
almost 2 years ago, Daily Bulletin
Happy Birthday to: Presley L- Kindergarten Arya R- Kindergarten Lyara R- Kindergarten Harper R- Grade 6
almost 2 years ago, Daily Bulletin
EL and Mrs. Genelin's groups are cancelled for today!
almost 2 years ago, Daily Bulletin
Senior High Knowledge Bowl students Jack Schloesser, Emily Holden, Jacob Rohlfing, and Micah Peterson have qualitied to move on to the Minnesota State Regional Meet scheduled for Thursday, March 16. Way to go, Brick Bronze!!! And good luck!!!!!
almost 2 years ago, Daily Bulletin
Attention Photo Contest Winners! On Friday morning before school, come to Mrs. Yule's room for a donut. Students who submitted a photo for the snowscape contest will receive an email from Emily Holden on all the donut details.
almost 2 years ago, Daily Bulletin
Prom sign up in Ms. Pope's room. If you are just attending the after prom you need to sign up in Ms. Pope's room for that.
almost 2 years ago, Daily Bulletin
almost 2 years ago, Daily Bulletin
The following student will serve detention today with Mr.Bosse- # 379.
almost 2 years ago, Daily Bulletin
ATTENTION 10-12 Grade Students with 3.4-4.0 GPA! Check your email for an NHS Eligibility Form/Invite from Ms. Roberts! Letters & forms are sent to those who qualify ONLY electronically this year for our chapter of National Honor Society! *CHS forms come straight from Ms. Roberts and are time-sensitive, so check now!
almost 2 years ago, Daily Bulletin
Last change to receive free autograph pages with your secondary yearbook purchase! Buy a yearbook before 3/17 and receive free autograph inserts for your book. Find a flyer in the office or in Mrs. Yule's room. Books are $55.
almost 2 years ago, Daily Bulletin